La recherche du mot wisdom a 7 plusieurs résultats
EN Anglais FR Français
wisdom (n) [judgment] jugement (n) {m} [judgment]
wisdom (n) [intelligence] bon sens (n) {m} [intelligence]
wisdom (n) [judgment] bon sens (n) {m} [judgment]
wisdom (n) [ability to apply relevant knowledge in an insightful way] sagesse (n) {f} [ability to apply relevant knowledge in an insightful way]
wisdom (n) [judgment] sagesse (n) {f} [judgment]
wisdom (n) [intelligence] sens commun (n) {m} [intelligence]
wisdom (n) [judgment] sens commun (n) {m} [judgment]

Anglais Français traductions

EN Synonymes pour wisdom FR Traductions
training [knowledge] Schule {f}
skill [knowledge] Geschick {n}
seasoning [knowledge] würzend
sagacity [knowledge] (formal Urteilsfähigkeit
maturity [knowledge] Verfallzeit {f}
practice [knowledge] Usance
experience [knowledge] Routine {f}
profundity [characteristic] Tiefsinn
deepness [characteristic] Tiefgründigkeit {f}
intensity [characteristic] Feldstärke
extent [characteristic] Umfang {m}
depth [characteristic] Höhe {f}
background [learning] Grund {m}
culture [learning] Zucht {m}
erudition [learning] (literature Gelehrtheit (f)
enlightenment [learning] Aufgeklärtheit
scholarship [learning] Freiplatz
education [learning] Erziehungswissenschaft {f}
comprehension [understanding] Einbeziehung
perception [understanding] (formal Wahrnehmen