La recherche du mot tunnel a 10 plusieurs résultats
FR Français EN Anglais
tunnel {m} tunnel
tunnel (n v) [an underground or underwater passage] {m} tunnel (n v) [an underground or underwater passage]
tunnel (n) [général] {m} tunnel (n) [général]
FR Synonymes pour tunnel EN Traductions
souterrain [lieu] m unterirdisch
mine [lieu] f Bergwerk {n}
catacombe [lieu] f Katakombe {f}
galerie [lieu] f Galerie {f}
EN Anglais FR Français
tunnel (v) [mountain] percer un tunnel sous (v) [mountain]
tunnel (v) [river] percer un tunnel sous (v) [river]
tunnel (v) [mountain] creuser un tunnel à travers (v) [mountain]
tunnel (v) [river] creuser un tunnel sous (v) [river]
tunnel tunnel {m}
tunnel (n v) [an underground or underwater passage] tunnel (n v) {m} [an underground or underwater passage]
tunnel (n) [general] tunnel (n) {m} [general]

Anglais Français traductions

EN Synonymes pour tunnel FR Traductions
cave [place] Zelle {f}
cavern [place] große Höhle
cove [place] Höhle {f}
burrow [place] Kessel {m}
den [place] Schlupfwinkel {m}
hovel [place] Höhle {f}
shelter [place] Schutzhütte {f}
hole [place] Schlupfloch {n} (n)
cavity [hole in the ground] Hohlraum {m}
pit [hole in the ground] Miete {f}
mine [hole in the ground] Steinbruch {m}
hollow [hole in the ground] Talmulde (f)
quarry [hole in the ground] Wild {n}
excavation [hole in the ground] Aushub {m}
duct [passage] Kanal (Belüftung)
well [passage] nein
pipe [passage] Leitungsrohr (n)
tube [passage] Pantoffelkino
shaft [passage] Schaft (Stiel,Schacht)
lode [excavation] Erzgang