La recherche du mot stupide a 13 plusieurs résultats
FR Français EN Anglais
stupide (adj) [obnoxiously stupid, vacantly silly, content in one's foolishness] fatuous (adj) [obnoxiously stupid, vacantly silly, content in one's foolishness]
stupide (a) [personne] brainless (a) [personne]
stupide (a) [commentaire] stupid (a) [commentaire]
stupide (a) [général] stupid (a) [général]
stupide (a) [personne] stupid (a) [personne]
FR Français EN Anglais
stupide (adj n) [foolish, showing a lack of good sense and wisdom] silly (adj n) [foolish, showing a lack of good sense and wisdom]
stupide (adj) [lacking good sense or judgement; unwise] foolish (adj) [lacking good sense or judgement; unwise]
stupide (adj v) [extremely stupid] dumb (adj v) [extremely stupid]
stupide (a) [personne] dumb (a) [personne]
stupide (a) [commentaire] asinine (a) [commentaire]
stupide (a) [commentaire] inane (a) [commentaire]
stupide (adj) [Without wit or understanding] witless (adj) [Without wit or understanding]
stupide (adj n) [Very stupid] shit-for-brains (adj n) [Very stupid] (adj n)
FR Synonymes pour stupide EN Traductions
aberrant [insensé] lầm lạc
idiot [insensé] m dại dột (adj)
fou [insensé] m điên
sot [bête] m dại dột (adj)
imbécile [bête] m thằng ngu (n v)
épais [imbécile] dày
lourd [imbécile] nặng
bête [imbécile] f dại dột (adj)
borné [trait de caractère] bướng bỉnh (adj)