La recherche du mot stigma a 4 plusieurs résultats
FR Français EN Anglais
stigma (n) [a ligature of the Greek letters sigma and tau] (n) stigma (n) [a ligature of the Greek letters sigma and tau]
EN Anglais FR Français
stigma (n) [botany] stigmate (n) {m} [botany]
stigma (n) [figuratively] stigmate (n) {m} [figuratively]
stigma (n) [a ligature of the Greek letters sigma and tau] stigma (n) [a ligature of the Greek letters sigma and tau] (n)

Anglais Français traductions

EN Synonymes pour stigma FR Traductions
slur [taint] insulto {m}
disgrace [taint] scorno
flaw [taint] vizio {m}
smirch [taint] onta {f}
dishonour [taint] disonore {m}
tarnish [taint] infangare
blot [taint] infamia {f}
ignominy [shame] scorno
ridicule [shame] canzone {f}
indignity [shame] oltraggio {m}
contempt [shame] spregio
scandal [matter] scandalo {m}
infamy [matter] atto infame {m}
opprobrium [matter] (formal disonore {m}
shame [matter] scorno
taint [derision] perineo {m}
stain [derision] sgorbiare
brand [mark of ownership] marchio {m}
blemish [thing] macchia {f}
mark [thing] midollo {m}