La recherche du mot soudure a 7 plusieurs résultats
FR Français EN Anglais
soudure (n) [général] {f} bread (n) [général]
soudure (n) [général] {f} money (n) [général]
soudure (n) [général] {f} dough (n) [général] (slang)
soudure (n v) [any of various alloys that are used to join small pieces of metal together] {f} solder (n v) [any of various alloys that are used to join small pieces of metal together]
soudure (n) [électronique] {f} solder (n) [électronique]
soudure (n) [method of joining two metallic surfaces by melting an alloy between them] {f} soldering (n) [method of joining two metallic surfaces by melting an alloy between them]
soudure (n) [technique] {f} soldering (n) [technique]
FR Synonymes pour soudure EN Traductions
cohésion [adhésion] f кохезия (n)
cohérence [adhésion] f съгласуваност (n)
liaison [adhésion] f връзка (n v)
union [adhésion] f съюз {m}
soudage [technique] m заваряване