La recherche du mot société a 16 plusieurs résultats
FR Français EN Anglais
société (n) [organisation] {f} league (n) [organisation]
société (n) [compagnie] {f} corporation (n) [compagnie]
société (n) [compagnie] {f} firm (n) [compagnie]
société (n) [compagnie] {f} company (n) [compagnie]
société (n) [organisation] {f} association (n) [organisation]
société {f} society
société (n) [group of people sharing culture] {f} society (n) [group of people sharing culture]
société (n) [général] {f} society (n) [général]
société (n) [organisation] {f} society (n) [organisation]
société (n) [compagnie] {f} undertaking (n) [compagnie] (formal)
société (n) [compagnie] {f} enterprise (n) [compagnie]
société (n) [compagnie] {f} business venture (n) [compagnie]
société (n) [compagnie] {f} organization (n) [compagnie]
société (n) [organisation] {f} organization (n) [organisation]
société (n) [compagnie] {f} business firm (n) [compagnie]
société {f} organisation
FR Synonymes pour société EN Traductions
collège [institution] m secondary school
conservatoire [institution] m conservatoire
école [institution] f school of hard knocks (n)
université [institution] f college
académie [institution] f academy
compagnie [association] f company
congrès [association] m congress
corporation [association] f Corporation
séance [association] f séance
commission [association] f committee
parlement [association] m parliament
cercle [association] m circle
assemblée [association] f congregation
cartel [économie] m cartel
chambre [économie] f chamber
syndicat [économie] m trade union
consortium [économie] m consortium
entreprise [économie] f enterprise
association [économie] f association
clan [groupe] m clique