La recherche du mot religion a 6 plusieurs résultats
FR Français EN Anglais
religion {f} religion
religion (n) [général] {f} religion (n) [général]
religion (n) [system of beliefs dealing with soul, deity and/or life after death] {f} religion (n) [system of beliefs dealing with soul, deity and/or life after death]
FR Synonymes pour religion EN Traductions
confiance [foi] f भरोसा (n v adj)
tradition [foi] f परंपरा (n)
croyance [foi] f स्वीकृति
monastère [ordre] m मठ {m} (maṭh)
foi [dévotion] f ईमान (n)
au-delà [sacré] m स्वर्ग {m} (svarga)
EN Anglais FR Français
religion religion {f}
religion (n) [general] religion (n) {f} [general]
religion (n) [system of beliefs dealing with soul, deity and/or life after death] religion (n) {f} [system of beliefs dealing with soul, deity and/or life after death]

Anglais Français traductions

EN Synonymes pour religion FR Traductions
creed [belief] creer
faith [belief] fe {f}
tenet [belief] (formal dogma {m}
conviction [belief] condena {f}
idea [belief] concepto {m}
persuasion [belief] persuasión {f}
grace [piety] garbo {m}
devoutness [piety] devoción {f}
homage [piety] homenaje {m}
godliness [piety] piedad {f}
sanctity [piety] santidad {f}
devotion [piety] veneración {f}
belief [divinity] creencia {f}
scripture [divinity] escritura {f}
dogma [divinity] dogma {m}
theology [divinity] teología {f}
piety [devotion] devoción {f}
profession [faith] manifestación {f}
doctrine [faith] doctrina {f}