La recherche du mot Records du monde de natation dames a un résultat

FR EN Traductions pour du

(a) [argent] due (a) [argent]
(a) [argent] owed (a) [argent]
(a) [argent] payable (a) [argent]

FR EN Traductions pour monde

monde (n) [terre] {m} earth (n) [terre]
monde (n) [terre] {m} globe (n) [terre]
monde (n) [terre] {m} planet earth (n) [terre]
monde {m} world
monde (n) [général] {m} world (n) [général]
monde (n v) [human collective existence] {m} world (n v) [human collective existence]
monde (n) [terre] {m} world (n) [terre]

FR EN Traductions pour de

de (o) [comparaison] than (o) [comparaison]
de (o) [général] to (o) [général]
de (o) [concernant] concerning (o) [concernant]
de (o) [concernant] regarding (o) [concernant]
de (o) [concernant] about (o) [concernant]
de (o) [quantité] some (o) [quantité]
de (o) [livres] by (o) [livres]
de of
de (o) [général] of (o) [général]
de (o) [livres] of (o) [livres]

FR EN Traductions pour natation

natation (v n) [act or instance of swimming] {f} swim (v n) [act or instance of swimming]
natation (n) [human activity of moving oneself through water] {f} swimming (n) [human activity of moving oneself through water]
natation (n) [sports] {f} swimming (n) [sports]

FR EN Traductions pour dames

dames (n) [game for two players] draughts (n) [game for two players]