La recherche du mot put together a 8 plusieurs résultats
EN Anglais FR Français
put together (v) [construction] assembler (v) [construction]
put together (v) [technical] assembler (v) [technical]
put together (v) [construction] monter (v) [construction]
put together (v) [technical] monter (v) [technical]
put together (v) [culinary] machiner (v) [culinary]
put together (v) [culinary] combiner (v) [culinary]
put together (v) [culinary] inventer (v) [culinary]
put together (v) [culinary] concocter (v) [culinary]

EN FR Traductions pour put

put (v) [movement] mettre (v) [movement]
put (v) [objects] mettre (v) [objects]
put (v) [objects] placer (v) [objects]
put (v) [words] exprimer (v) [words]
put (v) [objects] poser (v) [objects]
put (v) [movement] fourrer (v) [movement]
put (n) [Stock Market] option de vente (n) {f} [Stock Market]

EN FR Traductions pour together

together ensemble {m}
together (adv adj) [at the same time, in the same place] ensemble (adv adj) {m} [at the same time, in the same place]
together (o) [general] ensemble (o) {m} [general]
together (o) [group] ensemble (o) {m} [group]
together entre soi

Anglais Français traductions