La recherche du mot plein de ressentiment a 6 plusieurs résultats
FR Français EN Anglais
plein de ressentiment (a) [regard] resentful (a) [regard]
plein de ressentiment (a) [sentiments] resentful (a) [sentiments]
plein de ressentiment (a) [sentiments] spiteful (a) [sentiments]
plein de ressentiment (a) [sentiments] disgruntled (a) [sentiments]
plein de ressentiment (a) [état émotionnel] bitter (a) [état émotionnel]
plein de ressentiment (a) [état émotionnel] embittered (a) [état émotionnel]

FR EN Traductions pour plein

plein (a) [boissons alcooliques] sloshed (a) [boissons alcooliques] (slang)
plein (a) [objets] solid (a) [objets]
plein full
plein (a) [conteneur] full (a) [conteneur]
plein (a) [conteneur] filled (a) [conteneur]
plein (a) [boissons alcooliques] roaring drunk (a) [boissons alcooliques]
plein (a) [général] replete with (a) [général] (formal)
plein (adj) [filled to satiety] full up (adj) [filled to satiety]
plein (n) [amount that will fill a tank] tankful (n) [amount that will fill a tank]

FR EN Traductions pour de

de (o) [comparaison] than (o) [comparaison]
de (o) [général] to (o) [général]
de (o) [concernant] concerning (o) [concernant]
de (o) [concernant] regarding (o) [concernant]
de (o) [concernant] about (o) [concernant]
de (o) [quantité] some (o) [quantité]
de (o) [livres] by (o) [livres]
de of
de (o) [général] of (o) [général]
de (o) [livres] of (o) [livres]

FR EN Traductions pour ressentiment

ressentiment (n) [sentiments] {m} grudge (n) [sentiments]
ressentiment (n) [anger or displeasure felt out of belief that others have engaged in wrongdoing or mistreatment; indignation.] {m} resentment (n) [anger or displeasure felt out of belief that others have engaged in wrongdoing or mistreatment; indignation.]
ressentiment (n) [sentiments] {m} resentment (n) [sentiments]
ressentiment (n) [état émotionnel] {m} resentment (n) [état émotionnel]
ressentiment (n) [resentment arising from envy and hatred] {m} ressentiment (n) [resentment arising from envy and hatred] (n)