La recherche du mot make bitter a 2 plusieurs résultats
EN Anglais FR Français
make bitter (v) [person] remplir d'amertume (v) [person]
make bitter (v) [person] aigrir (v) [person]

EN FR Traductions pour make

make (v) [wages] toucher (v) {m} [wages]
make (v) [speech] prononcer (v) [speech]
make (v) [action] faire (v) [action]
make (v) [general] faire (v) [general]
make (v) [profit] faire (v) [profit]
make (v) [speech] faire (v) [speech]
make (v) [profit] réaliser (v) [profit]
make (n) [product] marque (n) {f} [product]
make (v) [wages] gagner (v) [wages]

EN FR Traductions pour bitter

bitter (a) [emotional condition] plein de ressentiment (a) [emotional condition]
bitter (a) [criticism] acariâtre (a) [criticism]
bitter (a) [criticism] caustique (a) [criticism]
bitter amer {m}
bitter (a) [criticism] amer (a) {m} [criticism]
bitter (adj n) [cynical and resentful] amer (adj n) {m} [cynical and resentful]
bitter (a) [emotional condition] amer (a) {m} [emotional condition]
bitter (a) [taste] amer (a) {m} [taste]
bitter (a) [criticism] acerbe (a) [criticism]
bitter (a) [taste] âpre (a) [taste]