La recherche du mot grip a 5 plusieurs résultats
EN Anglais FR Français
grip (n) [action] prise (n) {f} [action]
grip (n) [hand] prise (n) {f} [hand]
grip (v) [hand] serrer (v) [hand]
grip (n) [tire] adhérence (n) {f} [tire]
grip (v n) [A handle or other place to grip] poignée (v n) {f} [A handle or other place to grip]

Anglais Français traductions

EN Synonymes pour grip FR Traductions
ear [on a handlebar] uho {n}
purchase [grasp] (formal nakup
fist [grasp] pest {f}
carry [activity] nositi
press [activity] tisk
anchor [clasp] sidro {n}
hug [embrace] objem {m}
palm [body] palma
duke [body] vojvoda {m}
hand [body] roka {f}
butt [thing] (slang zadnjica {f}
finger [examine] prst {m}
intelligence [comprehension] inteligenca {f}
horn [knob] rog {m}