La recherche du mot fruit a 7 plusieurs résultats
FR Français EN Anglais
fruit {m} fruit
fruit (n) [botanique] {m} fruit (n) [botanique]
fruit (n v) [figuratively: child of a marriage] {m} fruit (n v) [figuratively: child of a marriage]
FR Synonymes pour fruit EN Traductions
profit [finances] m Profit {m}
gain [finances] m Gewinn {m}
produit [finances] m Handelsware {f}
rapport [finances] m Verbindung {f}
butin [finances] m Diebesgut (n)
émolument [finances] Honorar {n}
lucre [finances] m Gewinn {m}
rémunération [finances] f Belohnung {f}
boni [finances] Dreingabe {f}
excédent [finances] m Überschuss {m}
agio [finances] m Agio {n}
bénéfice [finances] m Vorteil {m}
fruits secs [nature] mPl. Trockenobst {n}
fruits de mer [nature] (mp Meeresfrüchte
résultat [effet] m Berechnung {f}
récompense [effet] f Anerkennung {f}
avantage [effet] m Bequemlichkeit {f}
conséquence [effet] f Folge {f}
rente [rendement] f Stipendium {n}
revenu [rendement] m Einnahmen
EN Anglais FR Français
fruit (n) [botany] fruits (n) [botany] (mp)
fruit fruit {m}
fruit (n) [botany] fruit (n) {m} [botany]
fruit (n v) [figuratively: child of a marriage] fruit (n v) {m} [figuratively: child of a marriage]

Anglais Français traductions

EN Synonymes pour fruit FR Traductions
product [thing] producto {m}
offspring [thing] vástago
brood [thing] cría {f}
progeny [thing] (literature progenie {f}
children [thing] ni os
consequence [thing] secuela
descendants [thing] descendencia {f}
issue [thing] (formal expender
effect [result] efectos
outcome [result] resulta
aftermath [result] consecuencias {f}
pay [result] acreditar
seed [grain] semen {m}
stone [grain] empinado
germ [grain] germen {m}
nut [grain] (informal nuez {f}
pit [grain] zanja {f}
core [grain] núcleo {m}
kernel [grain] pepita {f}
achievement [deed] logro {m}