La recherche du mot extravagant a 12 plusieurs résultats
FR Français EN Anglais
extravagant (a) [idée] wild (a) [idée]
extravagant (adj) [exceeding the bounds of something] extravagant (adj) [exceeding the bounds of something]
extravagant (a) [général] extravagant (a) [général]
extravagant (a) [idée] extravagant (a) [idée]
extravagant (a) [conduite] kinky (a) [conduite]
FR Synonymes pour extravagant EN Traductions
idiot [insensé] m 白痴 (báichī)
fou [insensé] m (xiàng)
étrange [manière] 奇怪 (qíguài)
léger [lunatique]
bête [absurde] f 動物
fort [colossal] m
excessif [hors de prix] 極端 (adj n adv)
imbécile [idiot] m 傻瓜 (shǎguā)
EN Anglais FR Français
extravagant (a) [prices] exorbitant (a) [prices]
extravagant (adj) [exceeding the bounds of something] extravagant (adj) [exceeding the bounds of something]
extravagant (a) [general] extravagant (a) [general]
extravagant (a) [idea] extravagant (a) [idea]
extravagant (a) [prices] excessif (a) [prices]
extravagant (a) [prices] immodéré (a) [prices]
extravagant (a) [prices] exagéré (a) [prices]

Anglais Français traductions

EN Synonymes pour extravagant FR Traductions
wild [quylity] vild
exorbitant [outrageous] eksorbitant (adj)
absurd [unreasonable] absurd
foolish [unreasonable] dum
generous [behaviour] gavmild
big [behaviour] stor
violent [revolutionary] heftig (adj)
fast [characteristic] fast
entire [complete] hel
utter [complete] komplet
forbidden [unjustified] forbudt (preceded by a verbal noun)
voluptuous [sensual] yppig (adj)
fancy [capricious] forestille