La recherche du mot estimation a 22 plusieurs résultats
FR Français EN Anglais
estimation {f} estimate
estimation (n) [approximation] {f} estimate (n) [approximation]
estimation (n) [évaluation] {f} estimate (n) [évaluation]
estimation (n) [évaluation] {f} appraisal (n) [évaluation]
estimation (n) [évaluation] {f} assessment (n) [évaluation]
FR Français EN Anglais
estimation (n) [évaluation] {f} evaluation (n) [évaluation]
estimation (n) [the process of making an estimate] {f} estimation (n) [the process of making an estimate]
estimation (n) [évaluation] {f} estimation (n) [évaluation]
estimation (n) [approximation] {f} guess (n) [approximation] (informal)
estimation (n) [approximation] {f} approximation (n) [approximation]
estimation (n) [évaluation] {f} calculation (n) [évaluation]
estimation (n) [action] {f} valuation (n) [action]
estimation (n) [prix] {f} valuation (n) [prix]
FR Synonymes pour estimation EN Traductions
idée [description] f thought
échantillon [description] m trial amount
exemple [description] m exemplar
aperçu [description] m survey
note [évaluation] f note
observation [évaluation] f birdwatching (n)
estime [évaluation] f esteem
jugement [évaluation] m adjudication (formal)
avis [évaluation] m notice
critique [évaluation] m criticism
discernement [évaluation] m keen perception
impression [évaluation] f impression
sentiment [évaluation] m feeling
appréciation [évaluation] f calculation
opinion [jugement] f opinion
pensée [jugement] f think
point de vue [jugement] m standpoint
conviction [jugement] f certainty
croyance [jugement] f tenet (formal)
sens [jugement] m sense
EN Anglais FR Français
estimation (n) [appraisal] évaluation (n) {f} [appraisal]
estimation (n) [calculation] évaluation (n) {f} [calculation]
estimation (n) [appraisal] estimation (n) {f} [appraisal]
estimation (n) [calculation] estimation (n) {f} [calculation]
estimation (n) [the process of making an estimate] estimation (n) {f} [the process of making an estimate]
estimation (n) [appraisal] appréciation (n) {f} [appraisal]
estimation (n) [calculation] appréciation (n) {f} [calculation]
estimation (n) [esteem] déférence (n) {f} [esteem]
estimation (n) [esteem] estime (n) {f} [esteem]

Anglais Français traductions

EN Synonymes pour estimation FR Traductions
determination [assessment] föresats
appraisal [assessment] värdering (u)
calculation [assessment] räknande
evaluation [assessment] utvärdering (u)
analysis [assessment] utredning
computation [assessment] kalkylering (u)
measurement [assessment] mått {n}
estimate [judgment] ungefärligt värde {n}
opinion [judgment] tanke (u)
assessment [judgment] beskattning (u)
honour [esteem] Ü|en| ära (u)
regard [esteem] betrakta
appreciation [esteem] bedömning (u)
consideration [esteem] omtanke (u)
distinction [reputation] åtskillnad
credit [reputation] heder
name [reputation] nämna
fame [reputation] kändisskap (n v)
repute [reputation] (formal anse
guess [assumption] (informal gissning (u)