La recherche du mot during a 5 plusieurs résultats
EN Anglais FR Français
during (o) [duration] pendant (o) [duration]
during (prep) [for all of a given time interval] pendant (prep) [for all of a given time interval]
during (o) [duration] durant (o) [duration]
during (prep) [for all of a given time interval] durant (prep) [for all of a given time interval]
during (o) [duration] sous (o) [duration]

Anglais Français traductions

EN Synonymes pour during FR Traductions
while [part of speech] aunque
in the act of [part of speech] en el momento de
at the same time [part of speech] simulvcneo
as [part of speech] si {m}
since [while] porque
whilst [while] mientras que
as long as [while] mientras
around [via] circundante
over [via] encima de
round [via] rotundo
through [via] (informal listo
throughout [via] de arriba abajo (prep adv)