La recherche du mot down payment a 3 plusieurs résultats
EN Anglais FR Français
down payment (n) [money] acompte (n) {m} [money]
down payment (n) [payment representing a fraction of the price] premier acompte (n) [payment representing a fraction of the price] (n)
down payment (n) [payment representing a fraction of the price] versement initial (n) [payment representing a fraction of the price] (n)

EN FR Traductions pour down

down (a) [feelings] abattu (a) [feelings]
down (o) [direction] vers le bas (o) [direction]
down (o) [direction] en bas (o) [direction]
down (o) [position] à terre (o) [position]
down (o) [money] comptant (o) [money]
down (a) [feelings] découragé (a) [feelings]
down (a) [feelings] déprimé (a) [feelings]
down (n) [birds] duvet (n) {m} [birds]
down (o) [position] plus bas (o) [position]
down (o) [quantity] plus bas (o) [quantity]

EN FR Traductions pour payment

payment (n) [money] dépense (n) {f} [money]
payment (n) [money] déboursement (n) {m} [money]
payment (n) [military] solde (n) {f} [military]
payment (n) [general] paiement (n) {m} [general]

Anglais Français traductions

EN Synonymes pour down payment FR Traductions
portion [monthly payment] portion {f}
payment [monthly payment] paiement {m}
payoff [monthly payment] récompense {f}
installment [monthly payment] versement partiel {m}