La recherche du mot dough a 10 plusieurs résultats
EN Anglais FR Français
dough (n) [general] (slang) avoine (n) {f} [general]
dough (n) [general] (slang) argent (n) {m} [general]
dough (n) [general] (slang) fric (n) {m} [general]
dough (n) [general] (slang) pognon (n) {m} [general]
dough (n) [general] (slang) flouze (n) {m} [general]
dough (n) [general] (slang) oseille (n) {f} [general]
dough (n) [general] (slang) pèze (n) {m} [general]
dough (n) [general] (slang) soudure (n) {f} [general]
dough (n) [bread] (slang) pâte (n) {f} [bread]
dough (n v) [mix of flour and other ingredients] (slang) pâte (n v) {f} [mix of flour and other ingredients]

Anglais Français traductions

EN Synonymes pour dough FR Traductions
money [finance] kovanec {m}
currency [finance] valuta {f}
cash [finance] gotovina uncountable {f}