La recherche du mot cut off a 9 plusieurs résultats
EN Anglais FR Français
cut off (v) [axe] couper (v) [axe]
cut off (v) [nail] couper (v) [nail]
cut off (v) [telephone] couper (v) [telephone]
cut off (v) [telephone] interrompre (v) [telephone]
cut off (v) [axe] trancher (v) [axe]
cut off (v n) [To cause to come off, from cutting] tailler (v n) [To cause to come off, from cutting]
cut off (v) [accident] séparer de (v) [accident]
cut off (v) [accident] détacher de (v) [accident]
cut off (v) [accident] couper de (v) [accident]

EN FR Traductions pour cut

cut (v) [size] réduire (v) [size]
cut (v) [divide] couper (v) [divide]
cut (v) [games - cards] couper (v) [games - cards]
cut (v) [general] couper (v) [general]
cut (v) [hair] couper (v) [hair]
cut (v) [nail] couper (v) [nail]
cut (adj n v) [act of cutting] coupe (adj n v) {f} [act of cutting]
cut (adj n v) [act of cutting] entaille (adj n v) {f} [act of cutting]

EN FR Traductions pour off

off (o) [person] absent (o) {m} [person]

Anglais Français traductions

EN Synonymes pour cut off FR Traductions
cut [activity] entaille {f}
hack [activity] hacher
fell [activity] tronquer
whack [activity] (informal clac (n v)
hew [activity] tailler
chop [activity] moutonnement {m}
separate [action] séparée {f}
rend [action] (literature fendre
cleave [action] fendre
disconnect [action] déconnecter
tear [action] se déchirer
part [action] partie {f}
divide [action] diviser