La recherche du mot creed a 5 plusieurs résultats
EN Anglais FR Français
creed (n) [religion] foi (n) {f} [religion]
creed (n) [religion] credo (n) {m} [religion]
creed (n) [religion] conviction religieuse (n) {f} [religion]
creed (n) [religion] croyance (n) {f} [religion]
creed (n) [general] principes (n) [general] (mp)

Anglais Français traductions

EN Synonymes pour creed FR Traductions
credo [established mode of speech] кре́до (n)
code [established mode of speech] уста́в (n)
ritual [established mode of speech] обря́довый (adj n)
protocol [established mode of speech] протокол
tenet [belief] (formal при́нцип (n)
religion [belief] вероиспове́дание (n)
conviction [belief] убежде́ние (n)
doctrine [religion] доктри́на (n)
dogma [religion] до́гма (n)