La recherche du mot country and western a 4 plusieurs résultats
EN Anglais FR Français
country and western (n) [music] musique (n) [music] (f] country [i)
country and western (n) [music] country (n) [music] (m/f (invariable))
country and western (n) [music] country music (n) [music] (m/f (invariable))
country and western musique country

EN FR Traductions pour country

country campagne {f}
country (n) [countryside] campagne (n) {f} [countryside]
country (n) [music] musique (n) [music] (f] country [i)
country (n) [music] country (n) [music] (m/f (invariable))
country (n) [music] country music (n) [music] (m/f (invariable))
country état {m}
country (n) [countryside] pays (n) {m} [countryside]
country (n) [politics] pays (n) {m} [politics]
country musique country
country contrée

EN FR Traductions pour and

and et
and (o) [conjunction] et (o) [conjunction]
and ainsi que

EN FR Traductions pour western

western (a) [general] occidental (a) {m} [general]
western (a) [direction] en direction de l'ouest (a) [direction]
western (a) [direction] de l'ouest (a) [direction]
western (a) [direction] venant de l'ouest (a) [direction]
western (a) [direction] ouest (a) {m} [direction]
western (n) [movie theater] western (n) {m} [movie theater]