La recherche du mot consumption a 8 plusieurs résultats
EN Anglais FR Français
consumption (n) [quantity] usage (n) {m} [quantity]
consumption (n) [use] usage (n) {m} [use]
consumption (n) [the act of consuming something] consumer (n) [the act of consuming something]
consumption consommation {f}
consumption (n) [quantity] consommation (n) {f} [quantity]
consumption (n) [the act of consuming something] consommation (n) {f} [the act of consuming something]
consumption (n) [use] consommation (n) {f} [use]
consumption (n) [the act of consuming something] consommer (n) [the act of consuming something]

Anglais Français traductions

EN Synonymes pour consumption FR Traductions
disease [disease] 疾病 (n v)
use [using] 利用 (n v)
decrease [decline] 減少 (v n)
ruin [decline] 遺跡 (n v)
degeneration [decline] 退化 (n)
decadence [decline] デカダンス (n)
emptiness [reduction] (n)
tuberculosis [illness] 結核