La recherche du mot compromise a 6 plusieurs résultats
EN Anglais FR Français
compromise (v) [bring shame to] compromettre (v) [bring shame to]
compromise (n) [general] compromis (n) {m} [general]
compromise (n v) [settlement of differences by arbitration or by consent reached by mutual concessions] compromis (n v) {m} [settlement of differences by arbitration or by consent reached by mutual concessions]
compromise (v) [bring shame to] gêner (v) [bring shame to]
compromise (v) [agreement] transiger (v) [agreement]
compromise (v) [bring shame to] embarrasser (v) [bring shame to]

Anglais Français traductions

EN Synonymes pour compromise FR Traductions
agreement [settlement] samtycke {n}
adjustment [settlement] inställning (u)
composition [settlement] uppsats (u)
combination [settlement] kombinering (n)
design [settlement] konstruktion (u)
pattern [settlement] modell (u)
arrangement [settlement] uppställning (u)
reconciliation [arrangement] försoning (u)
settlement [arrangement] uppgörelse (u)
allotment [arrangement] fördelning (u)
compensation [arrangement] kompensation (u)
remuneration [arrangement] (formal lön (u)
arrange [adjustment] uppställa
bargain [adjustment] kap {n}
contract [adjustment] överenskommelse (u)
stipulate [adjustment] stipelbärande (v adj)
agree [adjustment] överensstämma
moderate [conciliate] sansad
accommodate [conciliate] (formal anpassa
concede [conciliate] släppa in