La recherche du mot chef a 34 plusieurs résultats
FR Français EN Anglais
chef (a) [en charge] {m} superintending (a) [en charge]
chef (n) [form of address] {m} guv (n) [form of address] (n)
chef (n) [leader of a work crew] {m} foreman (n) [leader of a work crew]
chef (n) [clans - tribus] {m} headman (n) [clans - tribus]
chef (n v) [a person who prepares food for a living] {m} cook (n v) [a person who prepares food for a living]
FR Français EN Anglais
chef (n) [organisation - homme] {m} leader (n) [organisation - homme]
chef (n) [organisation - femme] {m} leader (n) [organisation - femme]
chef (n) [profession - homme] {m} chef (n) [profession - homme]
chef (n) [profession - femme] {m} chef (n) [profession - femme]
chef (n) [The head cook of an establishment such as a restaurant] {m} chef (n) [The head cook of an establishment such as a restaurant]
chef (n) [militaire] {m} commander (n) [militaire]
chef (a) [en charge] {m} supervising (a) [en charge]
chef (n) [compagnie - femme] {m} head (n) [compagnie - femme]
chef (a) [en charge] {m} leading (a) [en charge]
chef (a) [en charge] {m} in command (a) [en charge]
chef (a) [en charge] {m} commanding (a) [en charge]
chef (n) [compagnie - homme] {m} boss (n) [compagnie - homme] (informal)
chef (n) [compagnie - femme] {m} boss (n) [compagnie - femme] (informal)
chef (n) [homme] {m} chief (n) [homme]
chef (n) [femme] {m} chief (n) [femme]
chef (a) [en charge] {m} chief (a) [en charge]
chef (n) [clans - tribus] {m} chief (n) [clans - tribus]
chef (n) [clans - tribus] {m} chieftain (n) [clans - tribus]
chef (n) [compagnie - homme] {m} head (n) [compagnie - homme]
FR Synonymes pour chef EN Traductions
centre [cerveau] m centrum (n adj v)
âme [cerveau] f sjæl
ascendant [aïeul] m overtag
grand-père [aïeul] m bedstefar
père [aïeul] m fader
point [sujet] m punktum {n}
matière [sujet] f emne
chapitre [sujet] m kapitel
article [sujet] m afsnit (n v)
patron [personne, fonction] m skabelon
entraîneur [personne, fonction] m træner (n v)
général [personne, fonction] m general
cuisinier [cuisine] m kok
as [personne, qualité] m es (n v adj)
champion [personne, qualité] m mesterskab (n)
pasteur [guide] m fårehyrde
berger [guide] m fårehyrde
conducteur [guide] m chauffør (n)
administrateur [maître] m administrator (n)
responsable [maître] m pålidelig (adj)
EN Anglais FR Français
chef (n) [The head cook of an establishment such as a restaurant] chef (n) {m} [The head cook of an establishment such as a restaurant]
chef (n) [profession - man] chef (n) {m} [profession - man]
chef (n) [profession - woman] chef (n) {m} [profession - woman]
chef (n) [kitchen - man] chef de cuisine (n) {m} [kitchen - man]
chef (n) [kitchen - woman] chef de cuisine (n) {m} [kitchen - woman]
chef (n) [profession - man] chef de cuisine (n) {m} [profession - man]
chef (n) [profession - woman] chef de cuisine (n) {m} [profession - woman]
chef (n) [The head cook of an establishment such as a restaurant] chef cuisinier (n) {m} [The head cook of an establishment such as a restaurant]
chef (n) [kitchen - man] chef cuisinier (n) {m} [kitchen - man]
chef (n) [kitchen - woman] chef cuisinier (n) {m} [kitchen - woman]

Anglais Français traductions

EN Synonymes pour chef FR Traductions
cook [profession] cozinheira {f}
baker [gastronomy] padeiro {m}