La recherche du mot become a 12 plusieurs résultats
EN Anglais FR Français
become (v) [suit] aller (v) [suit]
become (v) [behavior] incomber à (v) [behavior]
become (v) [behavior] appartenir à (v) [behavior]
become (v) [behavior] convenir (v) [behavior]
become (v) [suit] convenir à (v) [suit]
become devenir
become (v) [general] devenir (v) [general]
become (v) [grow into] devenir (v) [grow into]
become (v) [to begin to be] devenir (v) [to begin to be]
become (v) [grow into] se faire (v) [grow into]
become (v) [behavior] être du devoir de (v) [behavior]
become (v) [suit] être approprié à (v) [suit]

Anglais Français traductions

EN Synonymes pour become FR Traductions
suit [characteristic] prilagajati
augment [characteristic] povečati
develop [direction] razviti
change [direction] zamenjava {f}
go [direction] iti
shape [activity] oblika {f}
come [reach] priti