La recherche du mot allowance a 9 plusieurs résultats
EN Anglais FR Français
allowance (n) [money] compensation (n) {f} [money]
allowance (n) [trade] réduction (n) {f} [trade]
allowance (n) [trade] discount (n) {m} [trade]
allowance (n) [trade] remise (n) {f} [trade]
allowance (n) [trade] rabais (n) {m} [trade]
allowance (n) [a customary deduction from the gross weight of goods] pension alimentaire (n) {f} [a customary deduction from the gross weight of goods]
allowance (n) [law] pension alimentaire (n) {f} [law]
allowance (n) [money] argent de poche (n) {m} [money]
allowance allocation {f}

Anglais Français traductions

EN Synonymes pour allowance FR Traductions
allotment [grant] fördelning (u)
subsidy [grant] subvention (u)
funding [grant] finansiering (u)
appropriation [grant] avsättning (u)
stipend [grant] lön (u)
contribution [grant] bidrag {n}
allocation [grant] anslag {n}
credit [loan] heder
advance [loan] förskott {n}
gratuity [amount paid] gåva (u)
wages [amount paid] arbetslön
salary [amount paid] lön (u)
quota [apportionment] kvot (u)
ration [apportionment] portion (u)
share [apportionment] aktie (u)
bounty [apportionment] generös gåva (u)
annuity [apportionment] livränta (u)
dole [apportionment] arbetslöshetsunderstöd {n}
bonus [discount] bonus (u)
deduction [discount] deduktion (u)