La recherche du mot all the same a 2 plusieurs résultats
EN | Anglais | FR | Français | |
| all the same (adv) [anyway; nevertheless; nonetheless] | | néanmoins (adv) [anyway; nevertheless; nonetheless] | |
| all the same (adv) [anyway; nevertheless; nonetheless] | | tout de même (adv) [anyway; nevertheless; nonetheless] | |
| all (a) [every] | | tout (a) {m} [every] | |
| all (n) [general] | | tout (n) {m} [general] | |
| all (o) [general] | | tout (o) {m} [general] | |
| all (a) [person] | | tout (a) {m} [person] | |
| all (a) [quantity] | | tout (a) {m} [quantity] | |
| all (a) [every] | | chaque (a) [every] | |
| all (a) [person] | | chaque (a) [person] | |
| all (o) [pers. pron. - subject - pl.] | | tous (o) [pers. pron. - subject - pl.] | |
| all (o) [general] | | tout le monde (o) [general] | |
| all (o) [general] | | chacun (o) [general] | |
| the | | le | |
| the (article adv) ['''the''' + ~''comparative'', '''the''' + ''comparative''] | | le (article adv) ['''the''' + ~''comparative'', '''the''' + ''comparative''] | |
| the (o) [definite article] | | le (o) [definite article] | |
| the (o) [definite article] | | la (o) [definite article] | |
| the (o) [definite article] | | les (o) [definite article] | |
| the | | la | |
| the | | les | |
| same (a) [general] | | pareil (a) {m} [general] | |
| same | | même | |
| same (a) [general] | | même (a) [general] | |
| same (adv adj pronoun) [not different as regards self; identical] | | même (adv adj pronoun) [not different as regards self; identical] | |