Français Anglais
sur-ensemble superset
sur-le-champ ad lib
Surabaya Surabaya
surabondance plenty
surabondant superabundant
suractif hyperactive
Suraigu Hyperacute
suralimenter supercharge
suranné superannuated
Surat Surat
Suratá Surata
Suraua Suraua
Surava Surava
Surayud Chulanont Surayud Chulanont
Surboum Bash
surcapitaliser overcapitalize
Surcasti Surcasti
surcharge surcharge
Surcharge des opérateurs Operator overloading
surcharger overcharge
surchargé cramped
surclasser outclass
surcompenser overcompensate
surcomprimer supercharge
Surcouf French ship Surcouf
surcouper overtrump
Surcuolm Surcuolm
surdité deafness
Surdo Surdo
surdoué gifted
Surduk Surduk
Surdulica Surdulica
Surdétermination Fortification
sureau elder
Sureau du Canada Sambucus canadensis
Sureau noir Sambucus nigra
surenchérir overbid
Surendettement Excessive debt
Surendetté Heavily in debt
Suresnes Suresnes
surestimer overestimate
Sureté Security
surexploitation overexploitation
surexposer overexpose
Surexpression Overexpression
surf surfing
surface surface
Surface corporelle Body surface area
Surface cultivée Area under cultivation
surface de contact interface
Surface de friction Friction surface
surface de l'eau water surface
surface de Riemann Riemann surface
Surface de subdivision Subdivision surface
Surface equipotentielle Equipotential surfaces
Surface minimale Minimal surface
Surface plane Plane
surface portante airfoil
Surface réglée Ruled surface
Surface solaire Solar surface
Surface spécifique Specific surface
surface sustentatrice airfoil
Surface terrestre Land surface
Surface-conduction Electron-emitter Display Surface-conduction Electron-emitter Display
Surfaceuse Ice resurfacer
surfait gaudy
surfaix surcingle
surfemme superwoman
surfer surf
surfertilisation overfertilisation
surfeur surfer
surfeuse surfer
Surfing With the Alien Surfing with the Alien
Surfréquençage Overclocking
surgeler freeze
surgir spring up
surgénérateur fast reactor
Surgénérateur à neutrons Breeder reaktor
surhomme superman
surhumain superhuman
Suricate Meerkat
Surinam Suriname
surinamais Surinam
Suriname Suriname
Surinamien Surinamese
Surinamienne Surinamese
surintendance superintendence
surintendant supervisor
Surintendant des finances Superintendent of Finances
surintendante supervisor
surintensité de courant surge
Surinyavongsa Sourigna Vongsa
surjection surjection
Surjeteuse Overlock
Surkhan-Daria Surxondaryo Province
Surligneur Highlighter
surmenage overwork
surmener strain
surmené overworked
surmoi superego
surmonter surmount
surmulot rat
surnageant supernatant
surnaturel weird
surnaturelle supernatural
surnom nickname
surnom familier sobriquet
surnommé nicknamed
surnuméraire supernumerary
suroît sou'wester
surpasser eclipse
surpayer overpay
surpeuplé cramped
surplace standstill
surplis surplice
surplombant jutting
surplus glut
surpopulation overpopulation
surprenant unusual
surprenante surprising
surprendre catch