Français Anglais
super cool
Super Audio CD Super Audio CD
Super Baloo TaleSpin
Super basse fréquence Super low frequency
Super Bowl Super Bowl
Super Bowl XL Super Bowl XL
Super Bowl XLI Super Bowl XLI
Super Bowl XLII Super Bowl XLII
Super Bowl XXXIX Super Bowl XXXIX
Super Bowl XXXVIII Super Bowl XXXVIII
Super Crazy Super Crazy
Super deformed Super deformed
Super Dimension Fortress Macross The Super Dimension Fortress Macross
Super Extended Graphics Array SXGA
Super Frelon Aérospatiale Super Frelon
Super Jaimie The Bionic Woman
Super Mario Mario
Super Mario Galaxy Super Mario Galaxy
Super Mario Kart Super Mario Kart
Super Nintendo Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Super Noël The Santa Clause
Super Puma Eurocopter Super Puma
Super Saiyan Super Saiyan
Super Saïyen Super Saiyan
Super Series Finals PSA Super Series
Super Size Me Super Size Me
Super Strat Superstrat
Super Street Fighter II Super Street Fighter II
Super Séries Super Series
Super Tuesday Super Tuesday
Super Video Graphics Array Super Video Graphics Array
super- uber-
super-extra copacetic
Super-famille dene-caucasienne Dené-Caucasian languages
Super-famille nostratique Nostratic languages
super-héros superhero
super-héroïne superheroine
Super-Skrull Super-Skrull
Super-Terre Super-earth
super-vilain supervillain
superacide superacid
Superalgèbre de Lie Lie superalgebra
Superamas de la Vierge Virgo Supercluster
Superamas local Local supercluster
Superbase Superbase
superbe fine
superbement magnificently
Superbock Super Bock
Superboy Superboy
supercalculateur supercomputer
supercalifragilisticexpidelilicieux supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
supercarburant premium
Supercavitation Supercavitation
supercellule supercell
supercentenaire supercentenarian
supercherie trick
Supercondensateur Supercapacitor
Supercopa Sudamericana Supercopa Sudamericana
Supercopter Airwolf
supercorde superstring
Supercoupe Super Cup
Supercoupe arabe Arab Super Cup
Supercoupe de Belgique Belgian Supercup
Supercoupe de Chypre Cyprus FA Shield
Supercoupe de Grèce de football Greek Super Cup
Supercoupe de Pologne Polish SuperCup
Supercoupe de Russie Russian Super Cup
Supercoupe de Saint-Marin de football San Marino Federal Trophy
Supercoupe de Turquie de football Turkish Super Cup
Supercoupe des Pays-Bas Johan Cruijff-schaal
Supercoupe du Japon Japanese Super Cup
Supercoupe du Portugal SuperCup Cândido de Oliveira
superessif superessive case
superfamille superfamily
superfemme superwoman
superficialité superficiality
superficie extent
superficie en acres acreage
superficiel hasty
superflu redundant
superfluide superfluid
superfluidité superfluidity
superfluité superfluity
superfétation superfetation
Supergirl Supergirl
SuperGrafX SuperGrafx
SuperGrave Superbad
supergravité supergravity
supergéant supergiant
supergéante bleue blue supergiant
Supergéante rouge Red supergiant
Superkick Superkick
superlatif superlative
superlatif absolu absolute superlative
SuperLiga North American SuperLiga
Superligue de Russie de basket-ball Russian Basketball Super League
superman superman
Superman II Superman II
Superman III Superman III
Superman Returns Superman Returns
supermarché supermarket
Supermarché asiatique Asian supermarket
Supermarine Spitfire Supermarine Spitfire
Supermarionation Supermarionation
Supermax Supermax
Superminds Misfits of Science
Supermotard Supermoto
Supernana Nanako SOS
supernova supernova
Supernova Flashman Choushinsei Flashman
Superordinateur Supercomputer
superordre superorder
Superparamagnétisme Superparamagnetism
superpartenaire superpartner
Superphénix Superphénix
Superporte Supergate
superposer superimpose
Superposition des raies Line blending
superpouvoir superpower
Superprestige Superprestige
superproduction blockbuster
Superprédateur Apex predator
superpuissance superpower
Superpuissance naissante Emerging superpower
Supersaurus Supersaurus
supersolide supersolid
supersolidité supersolidity
Supersonics de Seattle Seattle SuperSonics
supersonique supersonic
Supersport United Football Club Supersport United FC
superstar superstar
superstatoréacteur scramjet
superstitieuse superstitious
superstitieux superstitious
superstition superstition
Superstition théâtrale Theatrical superstitions
superstructure superstructure
supersymétrie supersymmetry
supertanker supertanker
supertéléphone smartphone
superviser supervise
superviseur supervisor
supervision supervision
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition SCADA
SuperWaba SuperWaba
Suplex Suplex
Suplier Tap
Suppiluliuma Ier Suppiluliuma I
Supplantation Psychological repression
supplanter keep out
Supplement Affix
suppliant imploring
suppliante supplicant
supplication appeal
supplice torment