Français Anglais
strié striated
Strobilomyces Strobilomyces
stroboscope stroboscope
Stroh Stroh
Strom Thurmond Strom Thurmond
stromal stromal
Stromateidae Stromateidae
Strombidae Strombidae
Stromboli Stromboli
Strombus gigas Strombus gigas
StrongARM StrongARM
Strongyloides stercoralis Strongyloides stercoralis
strontium strontium
Strophanthine Ouabain
Stropharia Stropharia
Strophariaceae Strophariaceae
strophe stanza
Strophios fils de Crisos Strophius
Stroumitsa Strumica
Stroundsbury Stroundsbury
Strounino Strunino
structural structural
Structuralisme Structuralism
structure structure
Structure a grande echelle Large scale structure
structure agricole agricultural structure
structure algébrique algebraic structure
structure atmosphérique atmospheric structure
structure bâtie built structure
structure chimique chemical structure
Structure de contrôle Control flow
structure de donnée data structure
Structure de données Data structure
Structure de données persistante Persistent data structure
structure de l'emploi employment structure
structure de l'entreprise company structure
structure de la population population structure
Structure de pions Pawn structure
Structure de Richat Richat Structure
Structure des franges Fringe pattern
Structure des protéines Protein structure
structure du corps frame
Structure en rayonnement X X ray structure
Structure galactique Galactic structure
Structure hyperfine Hyperfine structure
structure industrielle industrial structure
structure institutionnelle institutional structure
Structure interne de la Terre Structure of the Earth
Structure interne des etoiles Stellar interiors
Structure interne du soleil Solar interior
Structure ondulée Water
Structure primaire Primary structure
Structure pyramidale des ligues de football en Angleterre English football league system
Structure pyramidale des ligues de football en Belgique Belgian football league system
Structure pyramidale des ligues de football en France French football league system
Structure radiale Constellation
Structure radio Radio structure
structure régionale regional structure
Structure réticulaire Reticulum
structure sonate sonata form
Structure stellaire interne Stellar structure
Structure thermique Thermal structure
Structure vestigiale Vestigiality
Structure à grande échelle Large scale structure
structure économique economic structure
Structured Query Language SQL
structurel structural
structurer structure