porter des fruits | bear fruit |
Porter disparu | Post missing |
Porter juste | Reunions |
porter la culotte | wear the trousers |
Porter la poisse | Bring bad luck to |
porter le pantalon | wear the trousers |
Porter les armes | Bear arms |
porter ombrage | give offense |
Porter plainte contre | Sue |
Porter plainte contre qn | Sue |
porter quelqu'un sur son dos | give someone a piggyback |
porter remède à | put right |
Porter secours | Give help |
porter semence | seed |
porter son cœur sur sa manche | wear one's heart on one's sleeve |
porter sur | be connected with |
Porter Township | Porter Township |
Porter un coup au but | Make a direct hit |
Porter un jugement | File a suit |
porter une affaire devant le tribunal | bring a case before the court |
Porter à terme | Bear |
porter à ébullition | bring to a boil |
Portes de Fer | Iron Gate |
Portes de la Mort | The Death Gate Cycle |
Portes Ivères | Iberian Gate and Chapel |
Portes Ouvertes | Open Doors |
porteur | bearing |