Français Anglais
pentathlon pentathlon
Pentathlon moderne Modern pentathlon
Pentathlon moderne aux jeux Olympiques Modern pentathlon at the Summer Olympics
Pentatomidae Pentatomidae
Pentatomoidea Shield bug
Pentax Pentax
Pentcho Zlatev Petar Zlatev
pente declivity
Pente douce Gently slope
pente raide escarpment
Pentecost III EP Pentecost III
Pentecôte Whitsunday
Pentecôtisme Pentecostalism
Penthalaz Penthalaz
Penthaz Penthaz
Penthée Pentheus
Penthéréaz Penthéréaz
Penthésilée Penthesilea
Pentium Pentium
Pentium Dual-Core Intel Pentium Dual-Core
Pentium II Pentium II
Pentium III Pentium III
Pentium M Pentium M
Pentium Pro Pentium Pro
Pentoxyde de phosphore Phosphorus pentoxide
Pentti Eelis Eskola Pentti Eskola
Pentène Pentene
Pentélique Penteli
Penza Penza
Penélope Cruz Penélope Cruz
People People
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
PEOPLExpress Peoplexpress Airlines
Pepakura Papercraft
Pepino Solanum muricatum
Peponocephala electra Melon-headed Whale
Peppa Peppa Pig
Pepper Pepper
Pepper Adams Pepper Adams
Peppino Impastato Giuseppe Impastato
Pepsi Center Pepsi Center
Pepsi Demacque Pepsi Demacque
Pepsi-Cola Pepsi
PepsiCo PepsiCo
pepsine pepsin
Peptide Peptide
Peptide signal Signal peptide
Peptidoglycane Peptidoglycan
Per Albin Hansson Per Albin Hansson
Per Brahe Per Brahe the Younger
Per Gessle Per Gessle
Per Johan Axelsson Per Johan Axelsson
Per Mertesacker Per Mertesacker
Per Olof Christopher Aurivillius Per Olof Christopher Aurivillius
Per Olov Enquist Per Olov Enquist
Per Theodor Cleve Per Teodor Cleve
Per-Erik Hedlund Per Erik Hedlund
Perak Perak
Peramelemorphia Peramelemorphia
Perameles Eastern Barred Bandicoot
Perameles eremiana Desert Bandicoot
Perameles gunnii Eastern Barred Bandicoot
Perameles nasuta Long-nosed Bandicoot
Peravia Peravia Province
Perca Percha
Perca fluviatilis European perch
perce-neige snowdrop
perce-oreille earwig
Percement Side
percement d'un tunnel tunnelling
percement de tunnels tunnelling
percepteur tax collector
perceptibilité perceptibility
perceptible noticeable
perceptiblement perceptibly