Français Anglais
Liam Brady Liam Brady
Liam Gallagher Liam Gallagher
Liam Howlett Liam Howlett
Liam Neeson Liam Neeson
liane liana
Liane Cartman Liane Cartman
Liane du Pérou Uncaria tomentosa
Liang antérieur Former Liang
Liang méridional Southern Liang
Liang occidental Western Liang
Liang postérieur Later Liang
Liang postérieurs Later Liang Dynasty
Liang septentrional Northern Liang
liant connecting
Liaodong Liaodong Peninsula
Liaoning Liaoning
Liard Liard River
Liards Money
Liasis Liasis
liasse roll
Liban Lebanon
Liban-Sud Southern Lebanon
Libanais Lebanese
Libanios Libanius
libation libation
libations potation
Libby Libby
Libdvdcss Libdvdcss
libellule dragonfly
Libellule déprimée Broad-bodied Chaser
Libellule à quatre taches Four-spotted Chaser
Libellulidae Libellulidae
Liber Bast
Liber amicorum Friendship book
Liber Ivonis Cthulhu Mythos arcane literature
Liber Pontificalis Liber Pontificalis
Liberec Liberec
liberer untrammel
Liberia Liberia
libero sweeper
Libertad Digital Libertad Digital
Libertaire Civil libertarian
Libertalia Libertatia
libertin dissolute
libertinage dissoluteness
libertine libertine
Liberty Alliance Liberty Alliance
Liberty Bell Liberty Bell
Liberty de New York New York Liberty
Liberty Global Liberty Global Europe
Liberty Island Liberty Island
Liberty Professionals Liberty Professionals FC
Liberty ship Liberty ship
liberté freedom
Liberté asymptotique Asymptotic freedom
liberté conditionnelle parole
liberté contractuelle freedom of contract
liberté d'action leeway
liberté d'expression freedom of speech
liberté de circulation freedom of movement
Liberté de conscience Freedom of conscience
liberté de la presse freedom of the press
Liberté de parole Freedom of speech
liberté de religion freedom of religion
liberté de réunion freedom of assembly
Libertés syndicales Rights of the unions
libidineux libidinous