Français Anglais
Lada Togliatti HC Lada Togliatti
Ladakh Ladakh
Ladenburg Ladenburg
Ladino Ladino language
Ladir Ladir
Ladislas d’Opole Władysław Opolski
Ladislas Ier de Bohême Ladislaus the Posthumous
Ladislas Ier de Hongrie Ladislaus I of Hungary
Ladislas Ier de Naples Ladislas of Naples
Ladislas Ier de Pologne Władysław I the Elbow-high
Ladislas Ier Herman Władysław I Herman
Ladislas II de Hongrie Ladislaus II of Hungary
Ladislas II Jagellon Jogaila
Ladislas II le Banni Władysław II the Exile
Ladislas III aux Jambes Grêles Władysław III Spindleshanks
Ladislas III de Hongrie Ladislaus III of Hungary
Ladislas III Jagellon Władysław III of Poland
Ladislas IV de Hongrie Ladislaus IV of Hungary
Ladislas IV Vasa Władysław IV Vasa
Ladislas Odonic Władysław Odonic
Ladislas Starevitch Ladislas Starevich
Ladislaus Bortkiewicz Ladislaus Bortkiewicz
Ladislav Adamec Ladislav Adamec
Ladislav Nagy Ladislav Nagy
Ladite The aforesaid
Lado Gourguenidze Lado Gurgenidze
Ladon Dragons in Greek mythology
ladre tight
ladrerie stinginess
Lady Lady
Lady Bird Johnson Lady Bird Johnson
Lady Deathstrike Lady Deathstrike
Lady Hamilton That Hamilton Woman
Lady Lou She Done Him Wrong
Lady Macbeth du district de Mtsensk Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District
Lady Macbeth du district de Mzensk Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District
Lady Sarah Chatto Lady Sarah Chatto
Lady Vaudou Voodoo Lady
Lady Vengeance Sympathy for Lady Vengeance
Ladybugs Coccinellidae
Ladykillers The Ladykillers
Ladytron Ladytron
Laeken Laeken
Laethem-Saint-Martin Sint-Martens-Latem
Laetitia Casta Laetitia Casta
Laevisuchus Laevisuchus
Lafarge SA Lafarge
LAFC Lučenec FK LAFC Lučenec
Lafcadio Hearn Lafcadio Hearn
Lafontaine Lafontaine
Lagan Lagan River
Lagar Velho Abrigo do Lagar Velho
Lagartijo Rafael Molina Sánchez
Lagash Lagash
Lagavulin Lagavulin Single Malt
Lage Lage
Lagenorhynchus Lagenorhynchus
Lagenorhynchus acutus Atlantic White-sided Dolphin
Lagenorhynchus albirostris White-beaked Dolphin
Lagenorhynchus cruciger Hourglass Dolphin
Lagenorhynchus obliquidens Pacific White-sided Dolphin
Lagenorhynchus obscurus Dusky Dolphin
Laghmân Laghman Province
Laghouat Laghouat Province
Lagidium Lagidium
Lagitupu Tuilimu Lagitupu Tuilimu
Lagman de Man Lagman of the Isle of Man
Lago Llanquihue Llanquihue Lake
Lago Viedma Lake Viedma
Lagoa dos Patos Lagoa dos Patos
Lagoa Mirim Lagoa Mirim
Lagomorpha Lagomorpha
lagon lagoon
lagopède willow grouse
Lagopède à queue blanche White-tailed Ptarmigan
Lagorchestes Lagorchestes
Lagorchestes asomatus Lake Mackay Hare-wallaby
Lagorchestes conspicillatus Spectacled Hare-wallaby
Lagorchestes hirsutus Rufous Hare-wallaby
Lagos Lagos
Lagotto Romagnolo Lagotto Romagnolo
Lagouira Lagouira
Lagrange La Grange
Lagrangien Lagrangian
Lagrasse Lagrasse
Lagriinae Long-jointed bark beetle
Lagrogne Neighbour Jones
Laguiole Laguiole knife
Lagumot Harris Lagumot Harris
Lagun Air LagunAir
lagunage lagooning
Lagundo Algund
lagune lagoon
Lagune Buada Buada Lagoon
Lagune Colorada Laguna Colorada
Lagune de la Vistule Vistula Lagoon
Lagune de Venise Venetian Lagoon
Lagune Ébrié Ébrié Lagoon
Lagunilla Llancanelo Llancanelo Lagoon
Lagure ovale Lagurus ovatus
Lagurus Steppe Lemming
Laguz Laguz
Lahej Sultanate of Lahej
Lahn Lahn
Lahn-Dill Lahn-Dill-Kreis
Lahneck Lahneck Castle
Lahnstein Lahnstein
Laholm Laholm
Lahore Lahore
Lahr Lahr
Lahti Lahti
Lahu Lahu people
Laibach Ljubljana
Laibin Laibin
Laichingen Laichingen
Laicite Laïcité
laid nasty
laideur hideousness
Laihia Laihia
Lain Serial Experiments Lain
lainage woolen
lainages woollens
laine wool
Laine de bois Woodwool
laine de verre glass wool
Laine minérale Minearl wool
laine peignée worsted
Laine trois fils Three-ply wool
Laineuse du chêne Eriogaster catax
laineux fleecy