Français Anglais
in- un-
In-Grid In-Grid
In-N-Out Burger In-N-Out Burger
in-octavo octavo
in-quarto quarto
Ina Ina River
inabordable unapproachable
inaccentué unstressed
inacceptable exceptionable
inaccessibilité inaccessibility
inaccessible impervious
inaccoutumé unused
inachetable unbuyable
inachevé incomplete
inachèvement incompleteness
inactif idle
inaction inactivity
inactiver inactivate
inactivité inactivity
inadaptation maladjustment
inadapté misfit
inadmissible unacceptable
inadvertance oversight
inadéquat inadequate
Inagua Inagua
Inaki Isasi Iñaki Isasi
inaliénable inalienable
inaltérable changeless
inaltéré unaltered
inamical chilly
inamovible irremovable
inanimé lifeless
inanition inanition
inanité inanity
inaperçu unnoticed
inapplicable inapplicable
inapproprié befit
inapte unfit
inaptitude disability
inarrêtable unstoppable
inattaquable unimpeachable
inattendu unforeseen
inattentif absent
inattention abstraction
inattentionné unaffectionate
inaudible inaudible
inauguration inauguration
inaugurer start
inauthentique fictitious
inaverti unwarned
Inayatullah Shah Inayatullah Khan
Inazō Nitobe Nitobe Inazō
InBev InBev
Inca Inca Empire
Inca Garcilaso de la Vega Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
incalculable incalculable
incandescence incandescence
incandescence prolongée afterglow
incandescent in glow
incantation abracadabra
incapable unfit
incapable de travailler disabled
incapacité disability
Incapacité de travail Industrial disablement
incarcération imprisonment
incarcérer incarcerate
Incardination Excardination and Incardination
incarnat carnation
incarnation incarnation
incarner epitomize
incassable unbreakable
incendiaire rabble-rousing
Incendicendio Fire
incendie fire
incendie criminel arson
incendie de forêt forest fire
incendie volontaire arson
incendier burn off
Incertae sedis Incertae sedis
incertain dubious
incertitude doubt
incessamment continuously
incessant uninterrupted
inceste incest
incestueux incestuous
inchangé unchanged
Incheon Incheon
Incheon Munhak Stadium Incheon Munhak Stadium
INCI International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients
incidence impact
Incidence rasante Grazing incidence
incident incident
Incident de détention de la famille Muamar Muamar family detention incident
incident de garde-robe wardrobe malfunction
Incident de Kecksburg Kecksburg UFO incident
Incident de Mantell Mantell UFO Incident
Incident de Mrkonjić Grad Mrkonjić Grad incident
Incident de Namamugi Namamugi Incident
Incident de Pétritch The incident at Petrich
Incident de Rendelsham Rendlesham Forest Incident
Incident de Roswell Roswell UFO incident
Incident de Sakai Sakai incident
Incident de Shag Harbour Shag Harbour incident
Incident de Venlo Venlo Incident
Incident du Dogger Bank Dogger Bank incident
Incident du Golfe de Syrte Gulf of Sidra incident
Incident du Mayagüez Mayagüez incident
Incident du pont Marco Polo Marco Polo Bridge Incident
Incident du USS Liberty USS Liberty incident
Incident matériel Hard fault
Incident technique Technical hitch
Incident Vela Vela Incident
Incidentalome Incidentaloma
Incidents du Golfe du Tonkin Gulf of Tonkin Incident
Incidents violents Angry scenes
incinérateur incinerator
incinération cremation
incinération des déchets incineration of waste
incinérer burn