Français Anglais
iceberg iceberg
Icecast Icecast
IceCube IceCube Neutrino Detector
Iced Earth Iced Earth
IceDogs de Mississauga Niagara IceDogs
Icehotel Ice hotel
Icelandair Icelandair
Iceni Iceni
Icerya purchasi Icerya purchasi
IceWeasel Mozilla Corporation software rebranded in Debian
Icewind Dale II Icewind Dale II
Ichapur Ichapore
IChat IChat
Ichenbaï Kadyrbekov Ishenbai Kadyrbekov
Icheon Icheon
Ichi Hydra Ichi
Ichi the Killer Ichi the Killer
Ichigo Momomiya Ichigo Momomiya
Ichijō Emperor Ichijō
Ichim Ishim
Ichirō Hatoyama Ichirō Hatoyama
Ichirō Mizuki Ichiro Mizuki
Ichirō Ozawa Ichirō Ozawa
Ichirō Suzuki Ichiro Suzuki
Ichneumonidae Ichneumonidae
Ichneumonoidea Ichneumon wasp
Ichtershausen Ichtershausen
Ichthyophiidae Ichthyophiidae
Ichthyophis glutinosus Ichthyophis glutinosus
Ichthyornis Ichthyornis
Ichthyostega Ichthyostega
Ichthyothéréol Ichthyothere
Ichtus Ichthys
ichtyocolle isinglass
ichtyologie ichthyology
Ichtyose congénitale forme récessive Harlequin type ichthyosis
ici here
ici et là about
Icogne Icogne
Icograda Icograda
Iconiser To iconise
Iconoclasme Iconoclasm
iconoclaste iconoclastic
Iconoclastie Iconoclasm
Iconodulie Iconodule
Icosagone Icosagon
Icosidodécadodécaèdre Icosidodecadodecahedron
Icosidodécadodécaèdre adouci Snub icosidodecadodecahedron
Icosidodécaèdre Icosidodecahedron
Icositétraèdre pentagonal Pentagonal icositetrahedron
Icositétraèdre trapézoïdal Deltoidal icositetrahedron
ICSI Intracytoplasmic sperm injection
ICT Information and Communications Technology
Ictaluridae Ictaluridae
Icterinae Icterid
Icterus New World oriole
Icterus galbula Baltimore Oriole
Ictinos Iktinos
Ictus Stroke
ictère jaundice
icône icon
Icône de la Trinité Holy Trinity Icon
Ida de Bernicie Ida of Bernicia
Ida de Troade Ida
Ida Laura Pfeiffer Ida Laura Pfeiffer
Ida McKinley Ida Saxton McKinley
Ida Rubinstein Ida Rubinstein
Idace de Chaves Hydatius
Idaea biselata Small Fan-footed Wave
Idaho Idaho
Idaho Stampede Idaho Stampede
Idaira Idaira
Idan Raichel Idan Raichel
Idar-Oberstein Idar-Oberstein
Idared Idared
Idas et Lyncée Lynceus
Idavoll Ithavoll
Ide de Boulogne Ida of Lorraine
IDEA League IDEA League
Idea leuconoe Idea leuconoe
Idel Ianchelevici Idel Ianchelevici
Idelette de Bure Idelette Calvin
idem ditto
identifiant username
Identifiant de processus Process identifier
identification identification
identification de produits product identification
Identification de source X X ray identification
Identification optique Optical identification
Identification projective Projective identification
Identifications des raies Line identifications
identifier locate
identique identical
identité identity