Français Anglais
graphe orienté directed graph
Graphe Petersen Petersen graph
graphe pondéré weighted graph
Grapheur Graphic editor
Graphical environment manager Graphical Environment Manager
Graphical identification and authentication Graphical identification and authentication
Graphiciel Graphics software
Graphics Device Interface Graphics Device Interface
Graphics Interchange Format Graphics Interchange Format
graphie -graphy
graphique graph
graphisme graphics
graphite graphite
Graphiurus Graphiurus
grapholecte grapholect
graphologie graphology
graphologue graphologist
graphème grapheme
graphène graphene
grappa grappa
grappe cluster
Grappe de serveurs Computer cluster
Grappillon Small cluster
grappin grapnel
Grappler Baki Baki the Grappler
Graptolite Graptolite
gras fat
Gras de la jambe Calf
Grasdorf Grasdorf
Graspop Metal Meeting Graspop Metal Meeting
Grass Valley Grass Valley
grasset stifle
grassette butterwort
Grassette commune Pinguicula vulgaris
Grassette à grandes fleurs Pinguicula grandiflora
Grasshopper-Club Zurich Grasshopper-Club Zürich
grassouillet fleshy
Grateful Dead Grateful Dead
graticiel freeware
Gratien Gratian
gratifiant rewarding
gratification tip
gratification de fin de service golden handshake
gratis free
gratitude thanks
gratte rake-off
Gratte papier Quilldriver
gratte-ciel sliver
Gratte-ciel staliniens Seven Sisters
gratte-cul rose hip
Grattement Scrabble
gratter scrape