Français Anglais
glanage gleaning
gland gland
Gland du clitoris Glans of the clitoris
Gland du pénis Glans of the penis
glande gland
glande endocrine endocrine
Glande génitale Gland
glande pinéale pineal gland
glande salivaire salivary gland
glande sudoripare sweat gland
glande surrénale adrenal gland
glande thyroïde thyroid gland
glandes surrénales adrenal glands
glandeur loafer
glandeuse loafer
glandulaire glandular
Glandule Gland
Glandée Acorn
glane gleaning
glaner scrounge
glaneur gleaner
glapir yelp
glapissement yelp
Glappa de Bernicie Glappa of Bernicia
Glareolidae Glareolidae
Glaris Glarus
Glaréan Heinrich Glarean
Glaréole isabelle Australian Pratincole
Glaréole orientale Oriental Pratincole
Glaréole à ailes noires Black-winged Pratincole
Glaréole à collier Collared Pratincole
glas knell
glasgovien Glaswegian
Glasgovienne Glaswegian
Glasgow Glasgow
Glasgow Boys Glasgow School
Glasgow School of Art Glasgow School of Art
Glasnost Glasnost
Glass cockpit Glass cockpit
Glass no Kamen Glass Mask
Glass-Steagall Act Glass-Steagall Act
glassharmonica glass harmonica
Glastonbury Festival Glastonbury Festival
glaswégien Glaswegian
Glaswégienne Glaswegian
Glatten Glatten
Glattfelden Glattfelden
Glauchau Glauchau
Glaucienne jaune Glaucium flavum
Glaucium Glaucium
glaucome glaucoma
Glaucomys New World flying squirrel
Glaucon Glaucon
Glaucophane Glaucophane
Glaucophyta Glaucophyte
Glaucos Glaucus
Glaucus atlanticus Glaucus atlanticus
glauque seedy