Dynastie Tang | Tang Dynasty |
Dynastie Taungû | Toungoo Dynasty |
Dynastie théodosienne | Theodosian dynasty |
Dynastie Wei du Nord | Northern Wei |
Dynastie Xia | Xia Dynasty |
Dynastie Xin | Xin Dynasty |
Dynastie Yuan | Yuan Dynasty |
Dynastie Zand | Zand dynasty |
Dynastie Zhou | Zhou Dynasty |
Dynastie Zhou du Nord | Northern Zhou |
Dynastie égyptienne zéro | Protodynastic Period of Egypt |
Dynasties du Nord et du Sud | Southern and Northern Dynasties |
dynastique | dynastic |
DynCorp | DynCorp International |
dyne | dyne |
Dyneema | Ultra high molecular weight polyethylene |
Dynéine | Dynein |
dyscalculie | dyscalculia |
Dyscophus | Tomato frog |
Dysderidae | Dysderidae |
dysenterie | dysentery |
dysfonction | dysfunction |
dysfonction érectile | erectile dysfunction |
dysfonctionnel | dysfunctional |
dysfonctionnement | dysfunction |
dysgraphie | dysgraphia |
Dysharmonie | Variance |
Dysharmonie évolutive | Multiple-complex Developmental Disorder |
dysharmonique | disharmonious |
Dyshidrose | Dyshidrosis |
dyskinésie | dyskinesia |
dyslalie | dyslalia |
dyslexie | word blindness |
dyslexique | dyslexic |
Dysmorphophobie | Body dysmorphic disorder |
Dysnomie | Dysnomia |
dyspareunie | dyspareunia |
dyspepsie | dyspepsia |
dyspeptique | dyspeptic |
Dysphasie | Dysphasia |
dysphorie | dysphoria |
dysphémisme | dysphemism |
Dysplasie cleido cranienne | Cleidocranial dysostosis |
dyspnée | dyspnoea |
dysprosium | dysprosium |
dysthymie | dysthymia |
dysthymique | dysthymic |
Dystopie | Dystopia |
dystopique | dystopian |
dystopiste | dystopian |
dystrophie | dystrophy |
Dystrophie facio scapulo humérale | Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy |
dystrophie musculaire | muscular dystrophy |