Constantin VIII | Constantine VIII |
Constantin Vladimirski | Konstantin of Rostov |
Constantin X | Constantine X |
Constantin XI Paléologue | Constantine XI |
Constantine | Constantine |
Constantine Maroulis | Constantine Maroulis |
Constantine Samuel Rafinesque | Constantine Samuel Rafinesque |
Constantiniens | Constantinian dynasty |
Constantino Brumidi | Constantino Brumidi |
Constantino Zaballa | Constantino Zaballa |
Constantinople | Constantinople |
Constantinopolitain | Constantinopolitan |
Constantinos Maleas | Konstantinos Maleas |
Constantinos Mitsotakis | Constantine Mitsotakis |
Constantinos Stephanopoulos | Costis Stephanopoulos |
Constantinos Volanakis | Konstantinos Volanakis |
Constantius Gallus | Constantius Gallus |
Constanze Weber | Constanze Mozart |
Constanţa | Constanţa |
constatations | findings |
constater | determine |
Constater un décès | Certify a death |
constellation | constellation |
Constellation des Poissons | Pisces |
Constellation familiale | Family Constellations |
consteller | constellate |
Constellé de | Studded with |
consternant | dismaying |
consternation | consternation |
consterner | dismay |
consterné | dazed |
constipant | constipating |
constipation | constipation |
constiper | constipate |
constipé | constipated |
constituant | constituent |
constituante | constituent |
constituer | make up |