Français Anglais
commodore commodore
Commodore Dynamic Total Visio Commodore Dynamic Total Visio
Commodore International Commodore International
Commodore PET Commodore PET
Commodores Commodores
commodément conveniently
Common address redundancy protocol Common Address Redundancy Protocol
Common Desktop Environment Common Desktop Environment
Common Development and Distribution License Common Development and Distribution License
Common Era Common Era
Common Gateway Interface Common Gateway Interface
Common Intermediate Format Common Intermediate Format
Common Language Runtime Common Language Runtime
Common Lisp Object System Common Lisp Object System
Common Object Request Broker Architecture Common Object Request Broker Architecture
Common Public Licence Common Public License
Common Unix Printing System Common Unix Printing System
Commonwealth the Commonwealth of Nations
Commonwealth d’Australie Commonwealth of Australia
Commonwealth Stadium Commonwealth Stadium
commotion commotion
commotion cérébrale concussion
Commugny Commugny
commun trite
Commun accord One accord
Commun des mortels Common run of people
communal communal
communautaire communal
communauté public
Communauté andine Andean Community of Nations
Communauté autonome basque Basque Country
Communauté autonome d'Aragon Aragon
Communauté autonome de Murcie Region of Murcia
Communauté autonome de Valence Land of Valencia
Communauté autonome du Pays-Basque Basque Country
Communauté bear Bear community
Communauté de communes Communauté de communes
Communauté de développement d’Afrique australe Southern African Development Community
Communauté de Madrid Madrid
Communauté de pratique Community of practice
communauté de sœurs sisterhood
Communauté de Taizé Taizé Community
Communauté de vie Biome
Communauté de vie chrétienne Christian life community
Communauté des pays de langue portugaise Community of Portuguese Language Countries
Communauté des États indépendants Commonwealth of Independent States