commodore | commodore |
Commodore Dynamic Total Visio | Commodore Dynamic Total Visio |
Commodore International | Commodore International |
Commodore PET | Commodore PET |
Commodores | Commodores |
commodément | conveniently |
Common address redundancy protocol | Common Address Redundancy Protocol |
Common Desktop Environment | Common Desktop Environment |
Common Development and Distribution License | Common Development and Distribution License |
Common Era | Common Era |
Common Gateway Interface | Common Gateway Interface |
Common Intermediate Format | Common Intermediate Format |
Common Language Runtime | Common Language Runtime |
Common Lisp Object System | Common Lisp Object System |
Common LIST | CLIST |
Common Object Request Broker Architecture | Common Object Request Broker Architecture |
Common Public Licence | Common Public License |
Common Unix Printing System | Common Unix Printing System |
Commonwealth | the Commonwealth of Nations |
Commonwealth d’Australie | Commonwealth of Australia |
Commonwealth Stadium | Commonwealth Stadium |
commotion | commotion |
commotion cérébrale | concussion |
Commugny | Commugny |
commun | trite |
Commun accord | One accord |
Commun des mortels | Common run of people |
communal | communal |
communautaire | communal |
communauté | public |
Communauté andine | Andean Community of Nations |
Communauté autonome basque | Basque Country |
Communauté autonome d'Aragon | Aragon |
Communauté autonome de Murcie | Region of Murcia |
Communauté autonome de Valence | Land of Valencia |
Communauté autonome du Pays-Basque | Basque Country |
Communauté bear | Bear community |
Communauté de communes | Communauté de communes |
Communauté de développement d’Afrique australe | Southern African Development Community |
Communauté de Madrid | Madrid |
Communauté de pratique | Community of practice |
communauté de sœurs | sisterhood |
Communauté de Taizé | Taizé Community |
Communauté de vie | Biome |
Communauté de vie chrétienne | Christian life community |
Communauté des pays de langue portugaise | Community of Portuguese Language Countries |
Communauté des États indépendants | Commonwealth of Independent States |