Français Anglais
combiné combined
Combiné nordique Nordic combined
comble jammed
Comblement Filling
combler fill up
Combler de bienfaits Heap kindness on
Combler son retard Make up lost time
comblé de joie exultant
Combremont-le-Grand Combremont-le-Grand
Combremont-le-Petit Combremont-le-Petit
Combretaceae Combretaceae
Combs-la-Ville Combs-la-Ville
Combustibil Fuel
combustibilité combustibility
combustible combustible
combustible fossile fossil fuel
Combustible MOX MOX fuel
Combustible non polluant Smokeless fuel
combustible nucléaire nuclear fuel
combustion combustion
Combustion du carbone Carbon burning process
Combustion nucléaire Burn-up
Combustion spontanée Spontaneous human combustion
combustion vive spontaneous combustion
Comden and Green Betty Comden
Come as You Are Come as You Are
Come With Us Come with Us
Comedian harmonists Comedian Harmonists
Comedie Comedy
Comedy Central Comedy Central
Comenius Comenius
comestible edible
comestibles comestibles
Comete a longue periode Long period comets
Comete aperiodique Aperiodic comets
Comete appartenant au nuage d Oort comet cloud
Comete periodique Periodic comets
Comets de Houston Houston Comets
Comgall mac Domangairt Comgall mac Domangairt
Comic Market Comiket
Comic Sans MS Comic Sans
comices comitia
Comices centuriates Roman assemblies
Comics Code Authority Comics Code Authority
Comics underground Underground comix
Comilla Comilla
Comillas Comillas
Comines Comines
Comines-Warneton Comines-Warneton
Coming out day National Coming Out Day
Comino Comino