Français Anglais
Artaban Ier Artabanus I of Parthia
Artaban II Artabanus II of Parthia
Artaban III Artabanus III of Parthia
Artaban V Artabanus IV of Parthia
Artabaze Artabazus
Artamidae Artamidae
Artapherne Artaphernes
Artashat Artashat
Artashes Geghamyan Artashes Geghamyan
Artaxerxès Artaxerxes
Artaxerxès Ier Artaxerxes I of Persia
Artaxerxès II Artaxerxes II of Persia
Artaxerxès III Artaxerxes III of Persia
Artaxias Ier Artaxias I
Artaxias Ier de Géorgie Artaxias I of Iberia
Artbook Artbook
Arte Arte
Arte Povera Arte Povera
Artek Artek
Artem Mikoyan Artem Mikoyan
Artem Milevskyi Artem Milevskiy
Artemare Artemare
Artemia salina Sea-Monkey
Artemis Fowl Artemis Fowl
Artemisia Artemisia
Artemisia Gentileschi Artemisia Gentileschi
Artere Artery
Artesonraju Artesonraju
Arth Arth
Arthas Menethil Arthas Menethil
Arthedain Arthedain
Arthenac Arthenac
Arthgallo Archgallo
arthrite arthritis
Arthrite goutteuse Gout
arthritique arthritic
Arthrodire Arthrodira
Arthroleptidae Arthroleptidae
Arthropleura Arthropleura
Arthropode Arthropod
arthropodes arthropods
Arthrospira Spirulina
Arthur Arthur
Arthur Abraham Arthur Abraham
Arthur Adamov Arthur Adamov
Arthur Adams Art Adams
Arthur Arz von Straußenburg Arthur Arz von Straussenburg
Arthur Auwers Arthur Auwers
Arthur Balfour Arthur Balfour
Arthur Bliss Arthur Bliss
Arthur Brown Arthur Brown
Arthur Buchwald Art Buchwald
Arthur Cayley Arthur Cayley
Arthur Cecil Pigou Arthur Cecil Pigou
Arthur Compton Arthur Compton
Arthur Conan Doyle Arthur Conan Doyle
Arthur Cravan Arthur Cravan
Arthur Cronquist Arthur Cronquist
Arthur Crudup Arthur Crudup
Arthur da Costa e Silva Artur da Costa e Silva
Arthur Dale Trendall Arthur Dale Trendall
Arthur Danto Arthur Danto
Arthur Dent Arthur Dent
Arthur Dion Hanna Arthur Dion Hanna
Arthur Drewry Arthur Drewry
Arthur Eddington Arthur Stanley Eddington
Arthur Edward Waite Arthur Edward Waite
Arthur Ernest Percival Arthur Ernest Percival
Arthur et les Minimoys Arthur and the Minimoys
Arthur et Zoë Nancy
Arthur Friedenreich Arthur Friedenreich
Arthur Garfunkel Art Garfunkel
Arthur George Tansley Arthur Tansley
Arthur Golden Arthur Golden
Arthur Griffith Arthur Griffith
Arthur Grumiaux Arthur Grumiaux
Arthur Hailey Arthur Hailey
Arthur Harden Arthur Harden
Arthur Hastings Arthur Hastings
Arthur Hertzberg Arthur Hertzberg
Arthur Hoffmann Arthur Hoffmann
Arthur Honegger Arthur Honegger
Arthur Hughes Arthur Hughes
Arthur John Evans Arthur Evans
Arthur Koestler Arthur Koestler
Arthur Kornberg Arthur Kornberg
Arthur Laffer Arthur Laffer
Arthur Larsen Art Larsen
Arthur Lee Arthur Lee
Arthur Leonard Schawlow Arthur Leonard Schawlow
Arthur Lewis Arthur Lewis
Arthur Machen Arthur Machen
Arthur Miller Arthur Miller
Arthur Moeller van den Bruck Arthur Moeller van den Bruck
Arthur Neville Chamberlain Neville Chamberlain
Arthur Nikisch Arthur Nikisch
Arthur Okun Arthur Melvin Okun
Arthur Poe Arthur Poe
Arthur Porges Arthur Porges
Arthur Rimbaud Arthur Rimbaud
Arthur Rubinstein Arthur Rubinstein
Arthur Saint-Léon Arthur Saint-Leon
Arthur Scherbius Arthur Scherbius
Arthur Schnitzler Arthur Schnitzler
Arthur Schopenhauer Arthur Schopenhauer
Arthur Seyß-Inquart Arthur Seyss-Inquart
Arthur Somerset Lord Arthur Somerset
Arthur Sullivan Arthur Sullivan
Arthur Travers Harris Arthur Travers Harris
Arthur Tremblay Hugh McDonald
Arthur Upfield Arthur Upfield
Arthur Wellesley de Wellington Arthur Wellesley
Arthur Woolf Arthur Woolf
Arthur Young Arthur Young
Artibeus Artibeus
Artibonite Artibonite Department
Articaïne Articaine
Artichaud Tue
artichaut artichoke
artichaut à cardes cardoon
article object
article d'exposition showpiece
Article de foi Dogma
article de fond leading article
article de tête leading article
article défini definite article
article indéfini indefinite article
Article partitif Partitive article
article principal leading article
Article très demandé Article in great demand
article à jeter disposable article
article à usage unique disposable article
Article αβγ Alpher-Bethe-Gamow paper
articles purview
articles de confection pour hommes haberdashery
Articles de la Confédération Articles of Confederation
articles de pêche tackle
articles de table tableware
articles de toilette toiletries
Articles de voyage Travel goods
articulata Articulata
articulation pronunciation
articulation du doigt knuckle
articuler articulate
articulé articulated
artifice device
artificiel unnatural
Artigas Artigas Department
Artigat Artigat
Artignosc-sur-Verdon Artignosc-sur-Verdon
Artik Artik
artillerie artillery
artillerie anti-aérienne flak
artillerie antiaérienne ack-ack
Artillerie navale Naval artillery
artilleur gunner
Artio Artio
Artiodactyla Even-toed ungulate
Artiom Artyom
Artis Pabriks Artis Pabriks
artisan tradesman
artisanat trade
artisanat d'art handicraft
artisane craftsman
Artisonner Bore into
artiste artiste
artiste dans son métier craftsman
artiste de cabaret entertainer
Artiste peintre Pictor
Artistic License Artistic License
artistique artistic
Artjärvi Artjärvi
Arto Tuncboyaciyan Arto Tunçboyacıyan
artocarpe bread-fruit tree
Artois Artois