Français Anglais
Alpha Sagittae Alpha Sagittae
Alpha Scorpii Antares
Alpha Serpentis Alpha Serpentis
Alpha Tauri Aldebaran
Alpha Trianguli Alpha Trianguli
Alpha Trianguli Australis Alpha Trianguli Australis
Alpha Ursae Majoris Alpha Ursae Majoris
Alpha Ursae Minoris Polaris
Alpha Virginis Spica
Alpha Vulpeculae Alpha Vulpeculae
Alpha-bloquant Alpha blocker
alpha-numérique alphanumeric
alphabet ABC
Alphabet aghbanien Caucasian Albanian alphabet
Alphabet anglais English alphabet
Alphabet arabe Arabic alphabet
Alphabet araméen Aramaic alphabet
Alphabet arménien Armenian alphabet
Alphabet balinais Balinese script
Alphabet batak Batak script
Alphabet berbère Berber Latin alphabet
Alphabet copte Coptic alphabet
alphabet cyrillique Cyrillic alphabet
Alphabet finnois Finnish alphabet
Alphabet français French alphabet
Alphabet gallois Welsh alphabet
Alphabet gotique Gothic alphabet
alphabet grec Greek alphabet
Alphabet géorgien Georgian alphabet
Alphabet hébreu Hebrew alphabet
Alphabet international africain Africa Alphabet
Alphabet islandais Icelandic alphabet
Alphabet kharoṣṭhī Kharoṣṭhī
Alphabet latin Latin alphabet
Alphabet lituanien Lithuanian alphabet
Alphabet macédonien Macedonian alphabet
Alphabet mandéen Mandaic alphabet
Alphabet morse Morse code
Alphabet nabatéen Nabatean alphabet
Alphabet ougaritique Ugaritic alphabet
Alphabet pan-nigérian Pan-Nigerian Alphabet
Alphabet perso-arabe Persian alphabet
Alphabet phonétique international International Phonetic Alphabet
Alphabet phénicien Phoenician alphabet
Alphabet portugais Portuguese alphabet
Alphabet radio NATO phonetic alphabet
Alphabet russe Russian alphabet
Alphabet samaritain Samaritan alphabet
Alphabet santâlî Ol Chiki script
Alphabet siddham Siddham script
Alphabet syriaque Syriac alphabet
Alphabet tamoul Tamil script
Alphabet thaï Thai alphabet
Alphabet thébain Theban alphabet
Alphabet turkmène Turkmen alphabet
Alphabet ukrainien Ukrainian alphabet
Alphabet étrusque Old Italic alphabet
Alphabet łacinka Belarusian Latin alphabet
Alphabeta Alphabeta
Alphabets géorgiens Georgian alphabet
alphabétique alphabetic
alphabétiquement alphabetically
Alphabétisation Literacy
alphabétisme alphabetism
alphanumérique alphameric
Alphasyllabaire gujarati Gujarati script
Alphaville Alphaville
Alphons Egli Alphons Egli
Alphonse Alfonso
Alphonse Amadou Alley Alphonse Amadou Alley
Alphonse Aulard François Victor Alphonse Aulard
Alphonse Daudet Alphonse Daudet
Alphonse de Capoue Alfonso of Hauteville
Alphonse de Châteaubriant Alphonse de Châteaubriant
Alphonse de Lamartine Alphonse de Lamartine
Alphonse de Liguori Alphonsus Liguori
Alphonse d’Orléans Alfonso de Orleans y Borbón
Alphonse Eugène Beau Alphonse Beau de Rochas
Alphonse Ier Alfonso I
Alphonse Ier de Portugal Afonso I of Portugal
Alphonse Ier des Asturies Alfonso I of Asturias
Alphonse Ier du Kongo Afonso I of Kongo
Alphonse II Alfonso II
Alphonse II de Naples Alfonso II of Naples
Alphonse II de Portugal Afonso II of Portugal
Alphonse II des Asturies Alfonso II of Asturias
Alphonse III Alfonso III
Alphonse III de Portugal Afonso III of Portugal
Alphonse III des Asturies Alfonso III of León
Alphonse IV de Portugal Afonso IV of Portugal
Alphonse IX de León Alfonso IX of León
Alphonse Jourdain Alfonso Jordan
Alphonse Karr Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr
Alphonse Loubat Alphonse Loubat
Alphonse Louis Pierre Pyrame de Candolle Alphonse Louis Pierre Pyrame de Candolle
Alphonse Massamba-Débat Alphonse Massemba-Débat
Alphonse Milne-Edwards Alphonse Milne-Edwards
Alphonse V de León Alfonso V of León
Alphonse V de Portugal Afonso V of Portugal
Alphonse VI de Castille Alfonso VI of Castile
Alphonse VI de Portugal Afonso VI of Portugal
Alphonse VII de Castille Alfonso VII of León
Alphonse VIII de Castille Alfonso VIII of Castile
Alphonse X de Castille Alfonso X of Castile
Alphonse XI de Castille Alfonso XI of Castile
Alphonse-Marie-Adolphe de Neuville Alphonse-Marie-Adolphe de Neuville
Alphonso Ford Alphonso Ford