allié | relevant |
alliée | follower |
alliés | Allied Forces |
Alliés de la Première Guerre mondiale | Allies of World War I |
Alliés de la Seconde Guerre mondiale | Allies of World War II |
Allmendingen bei Bern | Allmendingen bei Bern |
allo | hello |
Alloanticorps | Alloantibody |
Allobroges | Allobroges |
allocataire | beneficiary |
allocation | allowance |
allocation chômage | unemployment benefit |
allocation de maladie | sick pay |
Allocation de maternité | Maternity benefit |
allocation de terrain pour cultivation | land allotment |
allocation des places | seating |
Allocation pour imprévus | Contingency allocation |
Allocation universelle | Guaranteed minimum income |
allocations familiales | family allowance |
Allocebus | Hairy-eared Dwarf Lemur |
allocution | address |