La recherche du mot eftersom a 7 plusieurs résultats
DA Danois FR Français
eftersom (adv conj n) [it being the case that…] en raison de (adv conj n) [it being the case that…]
eftersom (adv conj n) [it being the case that…] vu (adv conj n) [it being the case that…]
eftersom (adv conj n) [it being the case that…] vu que (adv conj n) [it being the case that…]
eftersom (adv conj n) [it being the case that…] étant donné (adv conj n) [it being the case that…]
eftersom (adv conj n) [it being the case that…] compte tenu de (adv conj n) [it being the case that…]
DA Danois FR Français
eftersom (adv conj n) [it being the case that…] eu égard à (adv conj n) [it being the case that…]
eftersom (adv conj n) [it being the case that…] alors que (adv conj n) [it being the case that…]