Français Anglais
Granada Grenada
Grancia Grancia
Grancy Grancy
grand important
Grand Alföld Great Hungarian Plain
grand ami a dear friend
Grand amiral Grand Admiral
Grand anaconda Green Anaconda
Grand Ancien Great Old One
Grand attracteur Great attractor
Grand aumônier de France Grand Almoner of France
Grand Autel de Pergame Pergamon Altar
Grand Autre Another one
Grand axe Semi-major axis
Grand Bahama Grand Bahama
Grand Balkan Balkan Mountains
Grand Ballon Grand Ballon
grand banditisme organized crime
Grand Bassin Great Basin
Grand bassin artésien Great Artesian Basin
grand batara great antshrike
grand bavard babbler
Grand Bilbao Greater Bilbao
Grand Bleu de Gascogne Grand Bleu de Gascogne
Grand Bond en avant Great Leap Forward
Grand Bouddha de Leshan Leshan Giant Buddha
Grand boulevard Grand Boulevard
Grand Boycott américain Great American Boycott
Grand brochet Northern pike
Grand bâtiment Great barrack of a place
Grand Canal Grand Canal of China
Grand Canal du Nord North Channel
grand canot pinnace
Grand Canyon Grand Canyon
Grand Canyon National Park Grand Canyon National Park
Grand Casablanca Greater Casablanca
Grand Cayman Grand Cayman
Grand Central Terminal Grand Central Terminal
Grand Chambellan Lord Great Chamberlain
Grand chambellan de France Grand Chamberlain of France
Grand chambrier de France Grand Chamberman of France
Grand changement vocalique Great Vowel Shift
grand chef big cheese
grand chelem grand slam
Grand Chelem de golf Grand Slam
Grand chelem de rugby à XV Grand Slam
Grand Chelem de tennis Grand Slam
Grand Chien Canis Major
Grand Chiffre Great Cipher
Grand coffre Chest
Grand collier argenté Pearl-bordered Fritillary
Grand Comore Grande Comore
Grand Concepción Greater Concepción
Grand conseil du fascisme Grand Council of Fascism
grand coq de bruyère capercaillie
Grand Coulee Grand Coulee
grand coup sweep
Grand couturier Dress designer
Grand cubicuboctaèdre Great cubicuboctahedron
Grand cuboctaèdre tronqué Great truncated cuboctahedron
Grand cuivré Large Copper
Grand dadais Awkward lump
Grand dauphin Bottlenose Dolphin
Grand dirhombidodécaèdre disadouci Great disnub dirhombidodecahedron
Grand dodécahémicosaèdre Great dodecahemicosahedron
Grand dodécahémidodécaèdre Great dodecahemidodecahedron
Grand dodécaèdre Great dodecahedron
Grand dodécaèdre tronqué Truncated great dodecahedron
Grand dodécaèdre étoilé Great stellated dodecahedron
Grand dodécaèdre étoilé tronqué Great stellated truncated dodecahedron
Grand dodécicosaèdre Great dodecicosahedron
Grand dodécicosidodécaèdre Great dodecicosidodecahedron
Grand dodécicosidodécaèdre adouci Great snub dodecicosidodecahedron
Grand dodécicosidodécaèdre ditrigonal Great ditrigonal dodecicosidodecahedron
Grand Dublin Greater Dublin Area
grand duc eagle owl