Français Anglais
Goldfinger Goldfinger
Goldie Hawn Goldie Hawn
Goldingen Goldingen
Goldisthal Goldisthal
Goldman Sachs Goldman Sachs
Goldmark German gold mark
Goldorak Grendizer
Goldschmidt Goldschmidt
Goldstein Goldstein
Goldwater-Nichols Act Goldwater-Nichols Act
Goleo VI Goleo and Pille
Golestan Golestān Province
golf golf
Golf urbain Urban golf
golfe cove
Golfe ambracique Ambracian Gulf
Golfe d'Aden Gulf of Aden
Golfe d'Aqaba Gulf of Aqaba
Golfe d'Oman Gulf of Oman
Golfe de Botnie Gulf of Bothnia
Golfe de Californie Gulf of California
Golfe de Cambay Gulf of Khambhat
Golfe de Carpentarie Gulf of Carpentaria
Golfe de Corcovado Gulf of Corcovado
Golfe de Corinthe Gulf of Corinth
Golfe de Corée Korea Bay
Golfe de Courlande Curonian Lagoon
golfe de Finlande Gulf of Finland
golfe de Gascogne Bay of Biscay
Golfe de Guinée Gulf of Guinea
Golfe de Gênes Gulf of Genoa
Golfe de Kandalakcha Kandalaksha Gulf
Golfe de Khatanga Khatanga Gulf
Golfe de Kula Kula Gulf
Golfe de Martaban Mottama
Golfe de Naples Gulf of Naples
Golfe de Panamá Gulf of Panama
Golfe de Penas Gulf of Penas
Golfe de Riga Gulf of Riga
Golfe de Rīga Gulf of Riga
Golfe de Syrte Gulf of Sidra
Golfe de Tarente Gulf of Taranto
Golfe de Thaïlande Gulf of Thailand
Golfe de Tunis Gulf of Tunis
golfe du Bengale Bay of Bengal
Golfe du Biafra Bight of Bonny
Golfe du Honduras Gulf of Honduras
Golfe du Lion Gulf of Lion
Golfe du Maine Gulf of Maine
golfe du Mexique Gulf of Mexico
Golfe du Morbihan Gulf of Morbihan
Golfe du Saint-Laurent Gulf of Saint Lawrence
Golfe du Tonkin Gulf of Tonkin
Golfe Persique Persian Gulf
Golfe Saint Vincent Gulf Saint Vincent
Golfe Saint-Vincent Gulf Saint Vincent
Golfe Saronique Saronic Gulf
Golfe Spencer Spencer Gulf
Golfe Thermaïque Thermaic Gulf
golfeur golfer
golfeuse golfer
Golfing Golf